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Hollywood, California, United States

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why Do Girls Date Workaholics? Why are YOU in YOUR relationship?

My Thoughts:

Why do girls like to date guys who are of power yet pay them no attention to them? Do they feel more powerful in dating someone of stature? Do they feel that in being with them their own self-worth increases? I honestly don't understand it...I'm specifically referring to girls who date guys who pay more attention to their work then their own happiness/sex drive. - sorry just being honest. I don't understand what these women think these one way relationships will evolve to. If it fulfills their happiness and feeling of self contentment, then by all means, carry on...if not...take a hard look at WHY you are with somebody...and HOW being with them improves YOUR life and YOURSELF as a person...
Sometimes we forget who actually comes first...just a thought.

- I typed this fast and didn't re-read it so I apologize in advance for any spelling/grammatical errors.