Something that really bothers me are people who hate on LA for no reason at all. If you have lived here for 5-10+ years, then I completely respect whatever your opinion of LA might be because you obviously have enough reason and experience to validate your opinion. It
just bothers me when the following people hate on LA:
- Never lived here
- Hear and believe stereotypes about LA (ei: the assumption that those who in LA are lazy, ignorant, obsessed with their looks and materialistic)
- Took the bus to LA to pursue their dreams for a year or so then headed back home
Maybe people just don't want to like Los Angeles just like how most people outside of Cali don't like the Lakers. Listen, I'm not one to preach to anyone- Do whatever you want, feel however you feel, act however you want to act- I will never judge. It's okay to judge me and\or people who live in LA though? - Just take a moment to
really think about it.
--again-- typed this really fast and didn't proof read so my apologies for the spelling errors/ grammatical errors. Please blame it on me, not because I live in los angeles. :)
Just a random thought that kept popping into my head at the gym this morning so had to get it out.